Jaguar Womban

Jaguar Womban is a multidimensional healing artist, Medicine Womban and Visionary Mother of The Womb Nation. She is an intuitive herbalist, ancestral channel, poet and teacher who shares ways to connect to Mother Earth using plant medicine and ceremony. In both her private TEAsessions and The Circle of Light womban circle, Jaguar teaches how to use the unique self-care ritual of WombSteaming as a Ritual of Prayer and a Sacred Tool to awaken our innate Womb Wisdom and Divine Internal Guidance System.

Jaguar joins us as a guest facilitator on our Medicine Mandala Green Witch Initiation Journey to share a  womb steam ritual uniquely channelled for our group to help us integrate and embody all the wisdom of what we are remembering and re-discovering together and help prepare us emotionally, physically and spiritually to participate fully in the in person initiatory rite.

To learn more about Jaguar please visit her website