Yaya Erin Rivera

About Yaya

Yaya Erin Rivera is a Folk Medicine Practitioner specializing in sacred plant medicines for creativity, communication, right relationship and liberation. Best known through her work as  Active Culture Family, Yaya walks a path of stewardship and service to Gaia through her rolls as a mother, artist, counselor, and steward of Rio Cosmico, a unique 4 season homestead nestled in the Cleveland National Forest of southern California. Of primarily Taino and Irish descent, Yaya was raised on a 100 acre tree farm in rural Connecticut, where she was taught from a young age the importance of living in harmony and reciprocity with the natural world.

Yaya Erin is the host of the Río Cósmico Podcast, the facilitator of our Seasonal Support Circles for members, and the host of the Medicine Mandala Apprenticeship


To book Yaya for a workshop, gathering, panel, keynote speech or podcast, please email [email protected].


For information about online and in person one-on-one sessions and private instruction, please visit http://www.activeculturefamily.com/readings