" I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this community and to be able to sit with you, Yaya, as my teacher. This experience expands and blooms with every visit, I am in constant awe of the amount of detail and care that goes into creating these weekends. I have to say thank you, thank you, thank you for exposing me to the wise and gifted women that join us at Medicine Mandala (Paola, Eve, Adrianna, Golden and of course the beautiful and strong past apprentices and Carrie Lou). I am brought to tears of joy everytime I think back to moments with everyone and my mind and soul can not wait for more." -Amber Vonner (2018)
“ It was beautiful to see the different reflections of spirit in form and to just simply be reminded that we are truly not alone along the journey. I especially enjoyed the fact that we were able to create such intimacy online for and throughout a whole year prior and then come together in person. Meeting in the flesh is a whole other scope of magic I’ve never experienced and never thought that would feel so satisfying…wow, how healing it was to receive int he times that we are in. I feel like this journey filled my basket with so much to continue onward in the steps ahead- mostly a sense of self, a knowing that each of our medicines is so unique and needed, and a depth of trust in the amount of support guiding me in the unseen. I feel held, whole, embodied, and present…Muchas Gracias” ~Kristianna Garcia (2020)
" A lesson I will never forget is…the diagram (of the spiral path) you explained in the lesson about shamanic journeying. In so many words the practice always brings me back to center. Thank you for this anchor in the cosmic universe, and thank you for walking me home to this center in this Medicine Mandala journey. Thank you for blessing me with the Medicine Mandala scholarship. I remember writing that this would change the story of my whole bloodline and I don’t think I fully comprehended what that meant or entailed at the time, ( and I am just beginning to skim the top of understanding) but I do know this -my future ancestors will be something else entirely with the knowledge and understanding of the earth and how to work with and honor her that I now carry. Mil gracías Yayita.” -Cecilia Aeon (2020)

Nazdira Cuevas (2018)

"This Medicine is for and from the Earth…to heal and comfort…as a tool of the people” ~Cara 2021
" Being blessed to be a part of this apprenticeship was a catalyst to living my life to its fullest potential. My first big F*CK YES that led me down a path of choosing ME over and over again. Of knowing my wants, voicing my needs, and honoring my truest desires. I went to the depths of myself and found my calling. The most profound part of this journey was connecting to my Taino ancestors 🪶 Something I had longed for for years. I started to learn about Taino cemis and spirituality and started to learn Taíno-Borikenaíki. I now continue on the path of remembering what as been in my DNA all along, reclaiming a part of me that was said to be extinct, rejoicing with the spirits that had been waiting for me to awaken to my innate divineness. Anybody who has an opportunity to step onto that sacred land will leave it being a transformed version of themself. There are experiences and things you will learn that you will remember for the rest of your life." ~ Shalom, 2023
" During our Medicine Mandala gatherings, I feel similar hope, joy, and freedom that I would glimpse during festivals--Except when our gatherings end, the love and creativity continues to flow and flourish. I realize we’ve been given the tools to connect to higher realms, without any aftershock to the nervous system. I remember that psychedelic experiences can be attained simply through connection to nature, music, movement, and trusted community. The plants can be invited, too, of course, but taking large doses of medicine isn’t the only way to connect to alternate dimensions." ~Courtney Graham (2018)

Lunita Velasquez (2017)

“In both gatherings 1 and 2 I felt like there was so much being said in many different ways. At the second gathering every conversation I had I was hearing exactly what I had been thinking, feeling, or shared very similar experiences. So many gifts were shared and I left feeling extremely blessed…It’s hard to put something so beautiful into words. Beyond beautiful!” Tracey, 201
“…I am feeling so grateful to have Medicine Mandala being an anchor of truth and restoration for me right now. I provide that alot for others and to me, it is a self-nurturing space and time so thank you for co-creating this with such love. The whole program is revolutionizing my way to connect to the entire world and cosmos. I am not saying this lightly or exaggerating! I value beauty, sisterhood, stewardship and sacred reciprocity, all values that I find here. I make my own gatherings and workshops with so much love and affection and it feels just so good when others do the same for me. THANK YOU! It is a deep honor to be here. Truly. I feel like I am participating in something that is a training in being present, in being self aware, in taking things slow, all things I have wanted, all things I have prayed for- thank you for being my special dear sisters and teachers. I love you and feel so grateful” ~ Paola De La Concha Zindel (2019)
“Medicine Mandala for me was a space for really stepping into myself… I feel like a newborn baby who’s just figuring out how to find her way through the world, and Medicine Mandala really reinforced that there’s so much to remember when we come back to presence and practices of ritual. It’s innate and already there, but how quickly we forget if we’re not doing the practices! It was a beautiful, humbling experience that I have so much gratitude for and for everyone I got to share it with and learn from… It was really a remembrance for me, and such a beautiful sisterhood that I’ve never had before in my life.” ~Lauren, 2023 Graduate

Caroline Arnold (2017)

“ I am so grateful that I am a part of this group. From our first circle upon arrival, I felt us dropping into a deeper sisterhood - the kind of genuine affection that builds over time, and emerges as you get to witness each other more in all our fullness, grief, growth and expression. I am deeply appreciating the kinship, and sweetness of the group, and the unique and beautiful nature of each participant…I told myself that in going out of my comfort zone, I would find more life, more aliveness, and more freedom. I felt committed to my growth and to changing my patterns that have kept me living smaller than my true nature, and to ending repeating patterns that do not serve me or my lineage. I experienced a sense of contentedness in our little pop-up village, and deep gratitude for my life. I continued to let myself be nurtured by the food, the land, the teachings, and by the web of our sisterhood." ~Malika Nair 2017
"The food throughout the weekends was incredible, and I left feeling very nourished…When we were outside doing qigong I felt like the movements were remolding my nervous system… I have been working on cutting distractions in my life in order to hear what is going on and I think it’s really working…. Singing all together, moving all together, the uniting of the feminine and masculine. The dancing under the dark moon night and sowing seeds. These are memories I cherish and will never forget because they fill me with so much joy! Thank you for this opportunity to learn and grow and stretch and be in community. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to be in the Medicine Mandala Apprenticeship. ~Beka, 2018
" I was surprised to find a comfort in doing ceremonies online, and deeply appreciate the opportunity to revisit our online ceremonial portal and all the valuable priceless practices recorded.” ~ Victoria Azra (2019)